Cut Ups Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust – John Webster A series based on first pages of classic novels. It is an attempt at found poetry, and obfuscation of the original, so well-known, texts. It is also a work...
Mein Kampf ...Burn or Publish? Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings Heinrich Heine* Among the thousands of books burned on Berlin’s Opernplatz in 1933, following the Nazi raid on the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, were works by...
Artist Notebooks You ask me if I keep a notebook to record my great ideas? I've only ever had one - Albert Einstein We all need something to draw and write in. I wanted to play with the look and feel of this. At the same time suggesting ideas about the contents in...
Colour Blind Portraits of Black Icons Status: Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela complete. Work in progress on other portraits*Year: 2008+Website: Buy a copy here at Visible Object UK The Ishihara Colour Test for colour perception and deficiencies is familiar to many...
Th-Es-Au-Ru-S Typography and Book design for new Periodic Table Thesaurus I have been interested in the linguistic possibilities of the periodic table since I was a child. This is therefore an ongoing project based partially on my own history and on some ideas...
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