An Encyclopedia of Self

An Encyclopedia of Self

An Encyclopedia of Self ...memories written in the mind, body, and culture We all live in the Past. No, really. We have no choice in this (New Scientist 2015). The real question is what we record, how we recall and relate and what symbols and artefacts can be used to...
Richard Hamilton Portraits

Richard Hamilton Portraits

Richard Hamilton Portraits Just what is it about today's homes which makes them so different, so appealing - Richard Hamilton I was privileged to know Artist Richard Hamilton from 1995 onwards. We met on and off as I helped him with software tools, page-makeup and...
Colour Blind

Colour Blind

Colour Blind Portraits of Black Icons   Status: Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela complete. Work in progress on other portraits*Year: 2008+Website: Buy a copy here at Visible Object UK The Ishihara Colour Test for colour perception and deficiencies is familiar to many...