Richard Hamilton Portraits

Richard Hamilton Portraits

Richard Hamilton Portraits Just what is it about today's homes which makes them so different, so appealing - Richard Hamilton I was privileged to know Artist Richard Hamilton from 1995 onwards. We met on and off as I helped him with software tools, page-makeup and...
Artist Notebooks

Artist Notebooks

Artist Notebooks You ask me if I keep a notebook to record my great ideas? I've only ever had one - Albert Einstein We all need something to draw and write in. I wanted to play with the look and feel of this. At the same time suggesting ideas about the contents in...
Land, Sea, Air – Tate St. Ives

Land, Sea, Air – Tate St. Ives

Land, Sea, Air A Study of Tate St. Ives Below: Series of explorations with Anthony Gormley figures juxtaposed with real figures.   Below: Windows reflected and Rotated   Repeated visits to St. Ives provided rich sources of photography. The Tate St. Ives overlooks...
Remaking Avebury

Remaking Avebury

Remaking Avebury It does as much exceed in greatness the so renowned Stonehenge as a Cathedral doeth a parish church - John Aubrey I used to pass through the village of Avebury on our way to family holidays in Cornwall as a child. It was only when hunting for...
Colour Blind

Colour Blind

Colour Blind Portraits of Black Icons   Status: Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela complete. Work in progress on other portraits*Year: 2008+Website: Buy a copy here at Visible Object UK The Ishihara Colour Test for colour perception and deficiencies is familiar to many...