OK Both Ways
A pessimist is a man who looks both ways when he crosses the street - Laurence J. Peter

An artist intervention. This road in Bath had damaged direction text which should have said ‘LOOK BOTH WAYS’ when complete. From 2008 to 2009 I removed small pieces of the lettering discreetly until the result was ‘OK BOTH WAYS’.
Part of a series of possible interventions with public road lettering. I also tried to start this in Shenzhen but was shouted at by a policeman.
Any comments on this project please Contact me.
Status: Complete. Lettering now repainted by Bath council. Only now visible as a Photographic print record.
Size: Up to 61 cm wide. Other sizes please Contact me.
Edition: Open
Price: £50 (up to 61cm wide Photo Silk Paper. Archival Inks +shipping)
Year: 2012+
Website: Not yet.
Art Work
Every artist was first an amateur - Ralph Waldo Emerson