Colour Blind

Portraits of Black Icons



Status: Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela complete. Work in progress on other portraits*
Year: 2008+
Website: Buy a copy here at Visible Object UK


The Ishihara Colour Test for colour perception and deficiencies is familiar to many people. I first took this test aged 11 at school. It would (I was told) determine whether I could join the BBC or the RAF. The only career options being those with TLAs obviously. Ishihara first published these tests in 1917 and they are still being used!

As with many of my explorations they’ve been with me for a long time. A visit to the optician (2008) for my first pair of glasses lead to a discussion about colour blindness. The optician loaned a copy of his Ishihara Test Book and I used this to develop the initial ideas.

It is obvious that this should be a exercise in representation because of the language. Being colour blind is a cultural reference of some significance. I therefore wanted to see how far I could ‘obscure’ someone of ‘colour’ or ‘black’ through this device. The initial thoughts extend to an edition of prints. Sized for certain locations to have the play between distance and close-up recognition.

Initial portraits in the series:

  • Barack Obama
  • Nelson Mandela

Available as Limited Edition (75) prints as follows:

  • 60.98 cm Square
  • Somerset Velvet 255 gm2 Paper
  • Giclée Archival 12 colour ink printing

Any comments on this project please Contact me.

Status: Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela complete. Work in progress on other portraits
Year: 2008+
Website: Buy a copy here at Visible Object UK

* In collaboration with Ivan Allen creating the vector files for scalable outputs.